Over the years, I have observed many salespeople and their routines - daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. It is my belief that many salespeople waste a great deal of time. Some of the common time wasters are (there are many others, this is just a quick list):
:%$middot;poor prospecting
:%$middot;spending too much time with poor prospects
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:%$middot;not having a clear plan for their day/week/month/year/life
:%$middot;starting too late in the day/ending too soon
:%$middot;redundant time habits (this would take a book to cover)
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:%$middot;not concentrating on a task at hand
:%$middot;lacking focus
I am not suggesting that you work 18 hour days, take work home with you on weekends, ignore your family and have no fun. I have been selling for over 35 years and have worked very few 18 hour days. I have worked (writing) several 24 hour marathons, but it is difficult to find someone to sell to at 3:00 AM.
I am suggesting you look at your personal work habits to see where you could be a little busier - not in busy work - but productive sales activities. My guess is that most salespeople don't work that hard (hours). I can hear a few of you screaming now, "Are you nuts$%: I hustle every day all week long." Great, I am not talking to you, but to those who could benefit from a little extra effort each day /week /month. And, you know who you are, don't' you$%:
Hustle is not about working longer or harder for the sake of work.
1. It is about getting to a prospect before your competitor does.
2. It is about spending time in self-help books rather than in front of the TV every night.
3. It is about getting up an hour earlier every day to plan. It is about having breakfast/lunch/dinner with a client or prospect rather than eating alone.
4. It is about creating balance in your life so you have the will, energy and desire to put in the time necessary.
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5. It is about working smarter (another book here, folks), not just harder. Although many people think that 'smart work' is a replacement for 'hard work.' I wish.
6. It is about spending time in reflection, contemplation and self-evaluation.
7. It is about managing your time in such a way that you maximize your results (another book, yes, but writing 4 books a year keeps me plenty busy).
Had enough$%: Time to get back to work. Reading this tip, although it is great, will not put any money in your pocket - directly that is.